Sunday, April 13, 2008

Life's Little Messes

Today has been a bit of a challenge. It is hard to have sick kids, but it is even harder to be sick with sick kids. Jenna and I have something. I started thinking it was allergies, but after last night and today I think we have a cold. UGH. I got to the point today where the girls just went outside to play. After 10 minutes of them being too quiet I went to see what was going on. I don't know what too more energy...not crying at the mess or cleaning it up. Jenna's entire head was BLACK from dirt. I had to put her directly under the spout to get all the dirt out. It was a mess. Since then she has been happy. Perhaps it was worth it.

1 comment:

Toones in a Bucket said...

Ha! Ha-ha! I love that Jenna!