Friday, November 21, 2008


Jenna is quite the busy girl. Last night after just a few minutes, I decided I needed to check on her upstairs. She was sitting in her room with the baby lotion ALL over. Had I not been so worried about the carpet I would have taken a picture. I had to figure out how to get lotion out and clean it up before bedtime, which was not coming quick enough. I woke to Jenna talking in her room and wanted to get her out before she woke up Eliza. I knew something was wrong when I walked into the room. Poop. She said "Bum" She really didn't spread as much as she had before but it was potent! My nose was burning as I got her out of bed. I changed her and cleaned her up enough to survive for a few minutes. After Eliza woke up I grabbed all contaminated items and started a load of laundry. I didn't realize I couldn't wash the pillow. "Spot clean" How do you spot clean poop off a pillow... let me tell you how NOT to! Not with Spot Shot cleaner. I sprayed that on the pillow and started to rub the infected area only see the paint, or whatever coating is on the pillow, shred off. I guess the poop is gone if the coating is.
I really am required to keep Jenna in my sites at all times. She is too devastating to leave alone.

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