Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The other day I had the priveledge of shopping with Scott. I had explained to him that I had resorted to shopping with two cars. I push the girls in one and put the groceries in the other. He just laughed at me and thought is was a little overboard for only two kids. Little does he know about shopping with a one year old! I enjoyed him taking care of the girls while I just shopped! Jenna is the silent destroyer! She can grab food from the cart and have it in her mouth in an instant. I wind up buying bananas with no bottoms, brocolli with bite marks. It doesn't matter what it is...she loves it. Also, in taking the bitten food away from her she will scream which makes the trip even more unpleasant. Today I tried the one cart method because I only had three things to get. As I was checking out this man came up behind me and kind of grabbed my cart so I couldn't move forward any more. He pointed to the ground. There was yogurt oozing from my cart. Jenna had sat on a container and it was all over her, Eliza had already stepped in it as well. I cleaned Jenna up the best I could, tried to contain Eliza and clean her up, pay for the groceries and ran out before anything else happened. This isn't the first time I've made a mess in Wal-Mart but that story doesn't need to be told today!

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