Last week had it all...and I'm glad its over. It was a long miserable week. It all started on Monday with Jenna telling me her ear hurt, which being the most sympathetic person, told her to lay down and watch TV. By 5 in the afternoon she was in tears and needed to go to the DR. Ear infection. Thankfully Scott was home to help with that. Perhaps it was just leftover from her previous double ear infection with strep...but it doesn't really matter...
Tuesday started with being up part of the night with Logan who wasn't feeling well. Being a little sleep deprived and cranky at this point the day wasn't looking to good to begin with. I went to get a loaf of bread out of the freezer to find it had been unplugged while making James look like this.

All of the meat was still cold but all the flour and wheat on the bottom was wet and needed to be taken out of the freezer. I laid it on the floor of the garage until I could muster enough awareness to deal with it. Later I found James out using the toilet plunger as a shovel with the rice.

And I was still dealing with a fussy baby...Tuesday night, not much sleep. I decided then that it was time to take Logan back to the DR. This would end up being the 6th doctor visit in 6 weeks. Not just for him but for all the kids...somehow Eliza escaped from having to go once even though I'm sure all the germs originated from her school class.
Anyway, Wednesday woke up to Eliza running into our bedroom saying James was eating medicine. Came out to find him downing tylonol. I noticed a few missing Claritan as well. So a call to poison control made me feel better...he's big enough to handle what he had eaten. On to the next problem of Logan who had been up ALL night. I made an appointment with the DR. I do have a great doctor that is very careful with babies but after seeing Logan and hearing him cough he ended up on steroids again and a nebulizer. WAHOO! He was a good baby but two hours there plus picking up the prescriptions on very little sleep was NO good.
Thankfully everyone slept through the night on Wednesday. I tried to dig myself out of the hole that I was in on Thursday. The kids were quite good and I got a bit done. (While all this is going on I had Stake Training and Ministering, which is always a blessing.)
Friday morning began with a BANG...really, more like a crash...

I heard the candy jar fall from the top of the fridge as I was getting out of the shower. So I began again cleaning and trying to make sure nobody got hurt. Thankfully James stayed put and the girls listened. I think by this point they were pretty scared themselves.
A little bit later I heard a knocking coming from the dryer...James. I think he had wanted to play in there and Jenna had been so good as to help him. I also found this lovely ensemble in my bathroom.

At some point during the day I found James quite stuck in Logan's chair, which is NO NO...I wanted to leave him there for a while but he was really stuck and very unhappy.

You should be glad to know we are all alive and doing ok. This week has had the boys puking and me running on very little sleep...but its all part of life!